Таїсія Сидорчук. Співпраця Маєра Балабана з «Єврейською енциклопедією»

Cooperation of Majer Balaban and the Jewish Encyclopedia

By Taissa Sydorchuk

(National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" )

Source: Judaica Ukrainica 3 (2014): 210-230

Publication date: December 1, 2014

Publication type: article

Language: Ukrainian

Full text:



The preparation of the complete bibliography of the founder of Jewish historiography in Poland, Majer Balaban (b. 1877, Lviv – d. 1942, Warsaw) is necessary to examine frst in analysing his accomplishments, beginning with his early publications in Lviv’s press and ending with his articles in research editions and monographs. Balaban authors numerous entries in the encyclopedical editions in the time span of 1900–1930s including the Encyclopaedia Judaica (Berlin, 1928–1934), Polski Słownik Biografczny (Кrakow, 1935–1938), and Ievreiskaia Entsyklopediia Brokhausa i Efrona (Saint Petersburg, 1908–1913).
The verifcation of the materials prepared by Balaban remains crucial. This article makes such authenticable analysis possible and ascertains the role of Balaban in creating the frst Jewish encyclopedia in Russia.
Taking into account the themes of the research investigations of Balaban, we must presume that he authored other entries that do not have signatures. In order to examine them by subjects, his articles must be subdivided into three groups: a) the entries about the populated areas and Jewish communities; b) those about the cultural monuments, institutions, and Jewish antiquities; and c) those about the personalities of Polish statesmen and representatives of Galician Jewry.
The articles contain important biographical information. He devotes time and space to historically original documents from his private archive, particularly those concerning the history of Jewish communities. His articles contain a wealth of archival and library materials about the settlements on ethnic Ukrainian lands, which today constitute part of Western Ukraine. They include the information about settlements, and Jewish material and spiritual monuments. Most of them were exterminated during WWII, making Balaban’s work among the most important contributions to scholarly knowledge.

Keywords: Majer Balaban, the Jewish Encyclopedia, Jewish historiography in Poland, Jews in Lviv, Jews in Galicia



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“Galitsiia.” In Ievreiskaia entsyklopediia, 6:87–103.

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DOI 10.14653/ju.2014.11